Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Cut "Clerks" clip
Most excellent. I always wondered why Kevin Smith didn't put Randal in any of his other movies. Dante is in all of the movie but Randal was only in Clerks. Personally, I thought Randal was far more humourous than Dante as outlined in the above clip. I found it most enjoyable. Oh and "Special delivery of PAIN!!!!" (That's a shout out to "Clerks: the Animated Series". Nooch)


You know what I hate? The human race. I got an e-mail from a friend a couple days ago that I've been putting off reading because of the title, Date Rape Pills. I know I should read it because I like to stay in the know about stuff like that but I don't want to know because it only makes me hate my species. The e-mail, which I finally read today, discussed a new use for an animal drug with one of those long unpronouncable names. The drug is used to make horses sterile and rapists will put it in the drink with the old Rohipnol so that the girl won't get pregnant. The huge issue with this, other then the girl has just been raped, is that the effects of this veternary drug never wear out. The victim can never have children, or another child if she already has one. The sickest thing is that there are websites outlining how to use this drug and it's easily attainable from any veternary school. Girls at Guelph and Mac, BEWARE!!! (Guelph has a big veternary school and Mac has the highest number of rapes at any of the schools in Ontario.) It just makes me hate people. I'm not going to say I hate men because women do some pretty terrible things to but in this instance I must say that this is a male thing. I've only ever heard of one man being raped but the number of women makes me sick.

Remember how I fucked the shit out of my fiction mid-term? I got it back. I got an A, baby. That's right. I made the right choice in English. Just because you think you can sing doesn't mean you should be in Music and, in my case, the switch to English was the best choice I could have possibly made. Now, if any one want to show me how to form an argument I'd be happy to hear them out because I seem to "have very good points but trouble holding the argument together. (James Allard, second page of my poetry midterm)" No worries though. My points were good enough to get me a B. I'm sorry about all this talk about marks but in Music I was really drowning and now I'm so happy that I want to tell everyone I know. I am not a failure! Sorry, again. I'm just a joyful girl. :)


Which of the seven deadly sins did Alysia do this past week?

I was thinking about this past week and I think I've got them all just about covered. Let's see shall we.
    • Envy - Just today I was in the lounge when a set of roommates walked in for a "rice date". They were coming in to watch an episode of Passion's which they both enjoy. I wanted to kick them the fuck out of there and have a rice date with myself because I have no roommate.
    • Sloth - I did NOTHING the entire Reading week. I did no work and really didn't do all that much exercise, except for dancing and walking with me mom.
    • Greed - I spent over two hundred dollars in Toronto yet couldn't even spare a dollar ONCE for a homeless person. Oh, I definitely had a dollar but I'm so damn greedy I couldn't even give away one to someone who's parents don't pay for almost everything.
    • Gluttony - I was at home. Don't even get me started. (Actually, I eat less at home because I'm doing more but it still was brutal.)
    • Lust - *whistling and looking at the ceiling* Okay, everyone lusts. It's not really a big deal. You come to your own conclusions about who you think I was lusting after.
    • Pride/Avrice - Surprise, surprise. I have a significant lack of self-esteem and self-worth so I don't really have much pride but I do wear makeup 4 of the 7 days of the week so I guess that could be considered Pride.
    • Anger - I got really mad at Matt this week for something he did really even mean to say. It was stupid and petty but I was really angry.

Yup, that's all seven, present and accounted for. I think I might try this again sometime. See how I do on a regular, non-reading week. Do you think you have to sin on a weekly basis to go to hell or is once enough? I hope you have to sin more than once. I wish presbyterians had confession. I'd feel a lot better if we did.
This isn't to say that anyone I know needs this but I found this interesting article on How to write a better weblog. I thought it was kinda interesting. Just thought I'd share.


Well, that was weird

This actually happened to me on Sunday but it just came back to me now. I went to church for the first time in a couple months this past sunday. It was mission Sunday and I was helping out with Sunday school. That isn't the weird thing. That just the reason why I went. A rare thing was happening at my church that same weekend. We had a baptism. It was the first baptism in 5 years. It's an aging congregation. Anyway, the baptism wasn't really the strange thing. The strange thing was who the father of the baby was: Zach Rondell. I've known Zach since I was like 8. He was that intense older guy who dared to wear Pantera and Iron Maiden shirts to church. He was fun but rebellious. He was everything I wanted when I was twelve. He was grunge. He even had a band in the talent show one year called "The Useless". When I was thirteen, that was the best band name I'd ever heard, even though they were pretty close to the worst band I'd ever heard. Anyway, Zach stopped going to church and I forgot about him. Then, my friend Laura invited me over to her house one day and said Zach from work was going to be there. It was Zach Rondell. I couldn't believe it. It had been about three years since I had last seen him but he was as cool as ever. We hung out as group a couple times after that and Zach fell off the face of the planet again. Now, three years later, he's married with a child. At church he was wearing a dress shirt and a tie. This guy was grunge to the extreme and now this is what he's become. It was the strangest thing I'd ever seen. It's not as if I expected him to stay grunge forever but I still expected him to have some sort of strange style but he didn't. He's grown up. It was eerie.

Does anyone know what the difference between an mp3 and an mp2 is? I downloaded Eric Clapton's Change the World and it was an mp2 and I was like, "What the fuck?" If anyone knows, let me know.

And the quiz of the week is...

You're smart, witty, trustworthy, level-headed and industrious.

You value your independance above all else. Success is very important to you. You give the impression that you may be a little jaded, but you still harbour school-girl fantasies of finding someone who'll make you giggle and blush.

You can also be almost irrationally compulsive at times and are excessively cynical. Structure, order and schedual are very important to you. You have no tolerance for the majority of men these days. You find their behaviour completely unfathomable, and feel that if a man's over thirty and single, there's something wrong with him. It's Darwinian. They're being weeded out from propagating the species.

Which Sex and the City Player Are You?

"To Sontag..."

I was in the train on my way home tonight when I decided to actually read my readings for Communication Studies. Normally, this is a tedious experience, but one of this weeks readings was an essay by Susan Sontag about the history of photography, from it's beginnings as simply portraits to it's current uses. Because I was on the train and had nothing better to do, I began to think about Digital Photography versus the old Developing kind. I really don't know what you'd call it, other than maybe just "film photography". I was thinking about how everyone is so in love with digital cameras. I don't like them. There is something magical about a roll of film that digital photography just doesn't have. When you take a photo with a regular, old fashioned camera, you can never really be sure how it will turn out till you get to the dark room. You can't even be sure that it will develop at all. You can't go back and delete the picture and take it again. You took the picture and it was done. There is also that wonderful thrill when you take a really nice picture, when the composition, lighting and subject all work out. When you do this with a regular camera it's fantastic. I don't think it's as much of an accomplishment with a digital camera because you can see immediately what's wrong and go back and fix it. Sure, that's nice if you're try to take the perfect photo but it takes all the thrill out of going to the photo finishing place, opening up the package and rifling through the pictures to see if you got anything good. Yes, it sucks when you have, say, a picture of the ground because you accidentally set your camera off, but it's a chance I'm willing to take for the excitement of newly developed film. I'm willing to wait for the film. I don't need the instant gratification.


It was good

Well, reading week is almost over. I had "the gang" over one last time. I forgot how much I love having those guys just chill in my basement. Sorry Lorne and Jon. I had the best intentions to go to your hat and tie birthday party but it just didn't work out that way. I know it's not just me but it's interesting how as I get farther away from calling Sarnia "home", the farther I get from being able to relate as well to the people here. It's not that I don't still love those old friends but it's just getting so much easier to converse with those I stuggled with before. This is not true for my "hello" issue. Once I get past that initial hello I'm usually fine.

Do you ever feel like everything you think is years behind everyone else? Like everything you're saying now they've fully realized and have started to act on the knowledge? It makes you feel base. I hope, for your sake, that you never have to feel as though your epiphanies don't measure up. If you ever have an questions about their validity, come to me. I probably won't have a clue what you're talking about. Now, will someone please hand me my coxcomb? I've come to play the fool again. (Nooch.)



Bye Karin. Bye Nicole. Bye Cheryl. I'll miss every second without you. I'll see you on Monday. If not on Monday, I'll perish. Or I'll see you on Tuesday, I haven't decided yet. I hate when you're near because I remember all the times when you're not.
I broke my own rules. Seems like I can't even keep my not deleting in check. I was scared. There was too much me. I couldn't post for fear of what it may change. If you want to know what I deleted, ask me. Even if I don't tell you my truths, I'll be flattered that you were even curious. (Though chances are, I won't tell. Don't even ask Karin. It's already sent. Nooch.)


They're here

Well, my Laurier friends are down. AH!! Karin, Nicole and Cheryl are staying in Sarnia/Forest for the next few days and I LOVE IT!! Last night we went to Tequila Rocks and boogied the night away. It was so much fun. I never realize how much I miss dancing until I do it for three hours straight. It's ecstacy for me. It makes me so happy. I'm not into the whole "grinding" thing that much, although if someone I know does the approach I may for a minute but then I start to laugh, so one of us walks away. It just feels so ridiculous. "Oooo, I'm rubbing up against ya while music that won't let me think blasts away." I don't think I've ever looked at two people who are grinding and said "Gee, that looks nice." It's just not a very aesthetic thing. Plus, you have to worry about the other persons movements and how to synchronize your movements with theirs. I'm sorry but if I'm dancing, I'm dancing for and with me. I'm not dance to make anyone get hot and/or bothered. I love music and I think of dancing as a sort of music appreciation. I think of rubbing up against someone as being stuck in a crowded bus or a mosh pit.

Wade, Laura and myself went out for Wendy's after dancing, but the dining room was closed so we had to find someplace to mow down. The most obvious choice was under the bridge, so we proceeded to eat there. I miss the bridge, the river, the lake. I even miss that lighthouse on the state's side. Laura, who goes to school in Ottawa and consequently doesn't get to come home as much, was talking about how much she misses the chip trucks. That got me thinking about last summer and how much I miss the chip truck, as well. I don't miss working on it except for this cool guy I worked with, Jesse. I just miss the consistency of it. I miss it's presence. Ever since we were little, the chip trucks have been there. Now, it seems as though all the things that were always there are gone, like a chip truck in winter. Bad analogy, but you get my drift. It sure is nice to eat under the bridge though.

(The temptation to delete that whole section above is tremendous but it goes agains my "no deleting" policy.)


If only I wasn't stupid

Okay, I seem to have a real problem with this whole "Hello" thing. It's seems like no matter how much I try there are some people I can't seem to say hello to. Here. I'll say it here. Hey, Dave. Hey, Demarco. Fuck. Why can I not say "hi"? It's not so difficult. A cough takes more work. Yet I seem to constantly have this problem. I seem to have this problem so frequently that it REALLY upsets me. It happens all the time at school. I'll have people in my classes that I can chat to in class but the second that setting is tampered with I'm fucked. Like tonight. I went out for coffee with Jen and Wade and Wade's friend Melissa who is dating this fellow named Ryan who is friends with Dave Puzak and Matt Demarco. Now, normally if I were to see Demarco and Puzak I would be with my best friend Matt Swift. I would feel a bit awkward but not tremendously so. I might even go past a simple hello and actually talk to them. Yet, tonight I couldn't even muster a simple greeting. I hate this. It really fucking pisses me off.

I played BINGO for the first time tonight. At first it kinda sucked but I think that was because my friends and I were taking it too seriously. It's fuckin' BINGO, guys. Okay, some of the pots are in the thousands but those are the best times to fuck around. People are getting too serious because there is so much at stake. Lighten up!! So many people walk away losers in that game. Why not join the herd with a bit of fun? Just a thought.

I realized that when I'm home I want to write every little thing I do on the page. My life has no routine when I'm home so it's as if everything is exciting and different, even though I'm doing the same things I've done for the past five years, with a few new things thrown in here and there. You guys really don't want to hear about that mundane, day to day shit. I really don't think you want to hear any of my shit, but I post it anyway. I guess if you didn't like it you probably wouldn't be here reading this right now, would you? Hey Alysia, cut that self doubt bullshit out, will ya? For real.


If you didn't read yesterday's blog, don't read today's yet

Yes, I enjoy instructions in the title. Okay, so the rest of my most excellent weekend. I was thinking about how I really don't have to tell you EVERYTHING that happened. I'll just highlight the rest.
The day portion of sunday was interesting. Tom and Hilary, Karen's flatmate and Tom's sister, went back to the old S but not until after Tom helped out with a little "problem". Karen has a futon for a living room couch, which, until Sunday, made a sort of creaking noise everytime someone sat on it. Well, Sunday it stopped making the noise and broke completely. The bolt that held it together snapped right off. Tom and Karen spent a good half an hour trying to fix the thing, which meant that they bent the piece of metal that popped off back into place and put some phone books beneath it. (Note: Never throw out your old phone books. You never know when they may come in handy.) Anyway, after that little ordeal, we wanted to go do something dull and boring, so Matt, Laura and I went to see Matt Shaw play at The Kathedral. Shaw was a little vague in where to go so we actually went to the wrong part of the building, paying to get into a show that Shaw wasn't even playing at. Luckily, when I inquired about the lack of Shaw, whose band was called Red Pill Theory, the girl at the door felt really bad (why she felt bad I'm not sure, but I wasn't going to ask her about it) and gave us our monies back. We then went downstairs and watched Shaw and company rock the Casbar. (Just as an aside, I always used to think it was "Rock the Cashbar", like these rockers were stealing at a wedding or something.) Pizza Pizza and Karen's was the rest of the night. When we went back to Karen's Matt put the Finishing Moves on the futon and the other side broke. Surprisingly enough, it might even be more comfortable now that it is busted (stuff).
On Monday, Karen, Matt and I took Laura to the train station and proceeded to go see Matt's apartment. If you are a friend of Matt's, give him some pictures. His walls are as bare as that stupid room that everyone thinks is such a great piece of art but really sucks my ass. Nice apartment, though. Anyway, that night what did we watch? GUMMO!! That movie is F'd. I enjoy it though. It makes me laugh. If you can get your hands on a copy of this movie, put it in your VCR. It's directed by Harmony Korine and stars Chloe Svigney. Chloe Svigney was in Boys Don't Cry, another excellent film.
Anyway, Tuesday I came home and now I'm sitting at my computer wondering what I'm going to do. As much as Toronto was most enjoyable, it sure is nice to be home.


Time really does proceed quite quickly when good times are being had

Well, it's over. Another weekend at Karen May's in Toronto. I had so much fun I don't know where to start. I don't think I'm going tell any stories. I think I'll just basically tell you what I did. First of all, I was not the only one at Karen's this past weekend. Tom "Aw shit" Browning and Laura Oliver were also staying this weekend. You may also say that my best friend Matt also stayed the weekend but he went home everynight and came back every morning, so he really didn't "stay" there. He was just always there. :)
Okay, so let's start with Friday. Tom plays sax and is looking at purchasing an alto sax in the future so he wanted to go to Long and McQuaid (I have no idea if that's how you spell it but I really don't feel like looking it up. Sorry.) Anyway, so we went to Long and McQuaid to look at saxes and music stuff. After our little music store journey we went to the Rodin exhibit at the ROM, which was really quite good. It was all his plasters that he used as models for his larger, bronze sculptures. It was really quite fascinating. We had to buy tickets for the Rodin exhibit and with that ticket came a ticket for the ROM's Dinosaur's of Asia exhibit, which sucked my butt, but we dicked around in there for a while. After the ROM, we just went back to Karen's and played Nintendo, which I love to watch, hate to play, mainly because I suck beyond control.
Saturday, I went to Kensington market for the first time which was very cool. I was quite intrigued by all the little shops and shit. We also went to a cheese shop that made me want to puke. Good cheese but the stench was too much. Oh, Tom also plays ukulele so we had to go to Steve's, another music store, to look at ukuleles. Unfortunately, Steve's was closed, but the Candy Shop four doors down wasn't. It was only Karen, Tom, Matt and myself that day/night because Laura had gone to her sister's for the night, so Karen treated us all to Jones' Sodas at the Candy shop, which was very nice of her. I'm a bit of a klutze though, so she should have known when she gave me mine and Tom's Jones to hold that something bad was going to happen. Matt told me I was going to break them about 2 minutes before I dropped them on the floor in Sam the Record man. That kinda sucked but Tom didn't even notice, so I didn't feel that guilty. He kept asking me, after we told him about twenty minutes later, if I really broke them, which was humourous. After our little run about the town we went back to Karen's place where we had fried chicken and soggy french fries from PFK or KFC if you're not trying to aggrivate Laura. After dinner we watched Clerks, one of the Jersey trilogy by Kevin Smith. A fine movie, which I must purchase.
I'll finish this tomorrow. I'm tired. And lazy.


I've always hated pet names. I will very rarely tolerate a couple who calls each other pet names. Normally if I hear pet names I will get up and leave. I really can't stand it. I realized today that I sometimes call my friends pet names, such as "fat slut", "my sluts", "honey" or "fish monger". I don't know why, but I've always loved calling people "fish monger". I just think it has a ring to it. "Hello, my little fish monger:" Now, doesn't that sound nice?
Well, I guess now is the perfect time to say this. I probably won't be blogging for a couple days. Tomorrow at 2, I'm taking ye olde autobus up to T. I'll be staying with my good friend, Miss Karen May. Also my friends Laura and Tom are going to be staying at Karen's so it's going to be an action packed weekend. Yes, Matt will be there as well although he's not staying at Kar's, thank god. I think it would be WAY to crowded if that fat slut was there, too. I'll try and get miss May to let me use her computer so I can check my e-mail once or twice. I wanna know when you're coming down to the S. Karin, Nicole and Cheryl. Don't think I forgot, cause I didn't. Anyway, I'll be back in Sarnia Tuesday night but I'm just gonna chill. I'll give the old gang a call on Wednesday. Also, on Wednesday I should have a detailed account of the weekends escapades up.

Freak outs aren't always necessary

For months now I've been putting off going to see the English office about having to have a science to get into a second year program. I've been a little freaked out because I don't have a science because I switched from Music. Well, the time finally came that I had to go see the English people because it's that time of year. Pre-registration time. So, I had to go pick up my pre-registration package from the office and I told myself, as I was walking there, that I was finally going to confront this issue. So, after the administrative assistant gave me my forms I inquired about this whole science course for second year thing. She sort of gave me a funny look and asked if I was Honours or General. I said Honours and she said I didn't have to worry about a science if I was an honours student. YAY!!!!! Needless to say much happy freakin' went down on my part. Don't put off the things you're freakin' about sometimes they are quite easily resolved. I am so PLEASED!!!
Well, I guess since I declare just about every holiday that occurs during the Roman calander year, I should also say:

Happy Valentine's Day!

I also want to say that I am becoming more and more of a machine at this HTML bullshite. I knew the colour code for red. Yeah. Just wipped it out of my head. I'm feeling a little more accomplished. It's strange. Just when I was thinking that this whole "blog" business was a waste of my time, I began to feel a sense of satisfaction that what I'm doing is good for me. I know that knowing the colour code for red is probably not going to help me with anything in the future. It's just nice to know that I am taking something away from this experience. I can say that I know how to do something. Not that I could design a webpage. Far from it. It's just nice to know that I'm not totally in the dark. It also feels nice to know that I have a reason to go on. I can learn more! Well, that is a reason and you guys are getting to open up my head and "see what's on my mind. Oh, it's you." Sorry, Dave just decided he wanted to have a say.


My good friend Magnetic God, or Jenny to the rest of the non-glam rock world, found another Name site. I enjoy this one because it reminds me of Jenny. My name would be Magnetic Fantasy if we all went by our Glam Rock Names. Thanks Jen. Most enjoyable.


Best Quiz of all the Quizzes

Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
"You are seriously energetic. You wear orange. Defy convention. Listen to music that is "guaranteed to make you sterile." You try to kiss girls doing balet warms ups at listening booths. You want to call your band Marc. That's with a C, for the whole "psychadelic trip thing." You're confident, even when people disparage you to your face and cut down your asparations, you're unaffected. You are an original. A little girl crazy, as well as a little star-struck (despite the fact that you don't like Rex Manning). You may be a bit of a flake, but your energy, mirth and friendly demeanor, makes you at once a joy and an irritation. "

or possibly:

Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

"You are one crazy mother. And you really want to work at a record store. Lucas is your hero, which is and isn't strange because you're polar opposites. You want to be Lucas-level cool, when unfortunately (no matter how humourous you are) your level wouldn't even get you on a rollercoaster. You have the best intentions at heart, and are actually a nice guy but no one notices."

God-damn I don't care if it's been almost ten years since that movie came out. I fuckin' love it. So quality in that stupid strange way. Classic. Classic.

Oh yeah, and Cat, baby, I'm gonna try to post one quiz a week for ya but more than that is difficult. I'm not very good at finding quizzes. I got a perfect one for next week. Anyone who knows why cosmopolitians are my favourite drink, other than they are a damn fine martini, will laugh at this test. Don't wreak it for those who don't though. ^_- <= raised eyebrow. That's the best i can do. Anybody finds a quiz, you know how to get a hold of me. agoodmindwasted@hotmail.com or any of my other email addresses. This one is actually just for here though I do check it about once a week.
Well, my Fiction midterm went better than expected. I was going on and on about how I fucked that bitch like I fucked your mom last night but I deleted it. Sorry, I'm sure you'd love to hear all about your mom's excellence in bed but I think I'll keep her deliciousness to myself. (So many filthy things were written before I decided on deliciousness. I wish I had balls when it comes to that sort of stuff. I can think it and I can say it but I'm too much of a prude to write it.) Anyway, I did well on the midterm. I'm sure I didn't fail which means I probably got higher than Alysia's Wilfred Laurier Letter. The only thing that sucks is my sickness. I couldn't stay for the whole class cause I thought I was gonna die from the damn heat. It's brutal because I like that class and I wanted to go out for coffee afterwards but I'm not in the class right now so obviously I'm not going to go out for coffee. Shfucks. Yes, you're eyes aren't your ex-girlfriend. They are not lying to you. I did combine shucks and fuck. Reason: I'm more upset than shucks, less upset than fuck. Shfucks.
Arg.... It happened AGAIN! I've lost my voice once again. I don't know how it happened but it seems as though waking up today wasn't a good idea so my body has decided that I should be able to communicate with people. It's probably mad because it's not getting as much attention as it was last semester. I just hate losing it. Perhaps, it's telling me to slow down and listen more. Let's hope that that's it. Actually, that makes sense with everything I've been trying to do lately. I've been trying to listen more to what people have to say but it doesn't work so well when you're used to talking as much as I am. Slow down, relax. Also, you can't talk when you should be working if you have no voice. Well, let's hope it comes back by Friday because if it doesn't it's going to get even worse because I am NOT spending my whole weekend in Toronto silent. Fuck that bullshite.

You know what else I hate: the way I don't hate Valentine's Day. I want to hate it so much. I just can't bring myself to do it. As much as I listen to music which expresses the need to castrate men, I really do enjoy them. I also like the idea of romance and all those lies. I wish I could be bitter and really think Valentine's Day is a load of crap. On the surface, I do think it's a load of crap but deep down, not so deep that I can't see it, but far down enough that I can't reach to pick it up and throw it out, I really do enjoy the idea of Valentine's Day. I'm a pathetic example of a feminist. I'm the woman who wants to be a feminist but can't bring herself to call herself a womyn. Pathetic.

My apologies to all you people on ICQ. I ignore you and it's terrible. I'm ALWAYS on invisible and the problem is that I don't know how to instant chat. Obviously, I can type and I know the technical aspects of it. My problem is the conversation. I'm a very dramatic person in that I will do accents and break into song. These lovely acts don't really work over the internet. Of course, I could do as Irvine Welsh does and type in an accent but in reality that is a very difficult thing. Despite the Xtreme phone conversations I have with my best buddies, I am not very good at phone conversations either. In person is the way to go with Alysia. Anyway, I apologize to all of you on ICQ. Sometimes, I would like to talk to one or two of you. Actually, a lot of the time I would like to talk to a lot of you, but I can't have more than two conversations at once so if, say, 10 people are online, I'll stay on invisible and not talk to anyone. I would talk to one or two of you ICQ lovelies but then I would feel like I'm neglecting the rest. So, if you see me online, message. It one of the few chances you'll get.


Sometimes I don't think Ferris Bueller is right. Life moves pretty DAMN slow sometimes. Swear word of the month is DAMN. Anyway, I just want to get to damn Friday. I'm so tired of school. I need a break. I can't wait to go to (Not gonna say damn, not gonna say damn) frickin' (*sigh of relief*) Toronto. I'm so EXCITED!!

University seems to have a favourite letter for Alysia and it's not an F. As long as it's not an F I'm okay. Got back my first major essay as an English major. Yeah, I'm not that great at formal writing as anyone who has read this page even once would know. Essay writing is usually not my weakest point but I was so worried that my interpretation was so left field that he would fail me that I didn't really worry so much about the technical elements. Bad idea. Although I did get Alysia's Wilfred Laurier Letter so I didn't do so badly. I think that he may have nejoyed my far gone interpretation. Thank you Karen for lending me The Bell Jar so I could draw on that for ideas.

Oh speaking of Poetry class, I was quite shocked today when I realized that what I had thought was a male in my glass named Brian is really a female named, oh, lets call her "Janie". That's not her real name but I don't know where she lives and this address is floating around campus so I don't trust putting her real name. I could have sworn this girl was a guy. No really. She has one of those shaggy, "I'm a surfer" haircuts and always wears what I thought were men's Campus Crew shirts. Also, she has one of those baby faces that I thought was a man's baby face. Turns out I was wrong. When the teacher called her name to pick up her paper I think my eyes popped out my head. I couldn't believe it. I've gone three weeks thinking this was a brother. Even when she talked in class I thought it was a brother. Maybe she's transexual. hmmmm....


For those of you who are dancing impaired, here's a few tips for ya.
Dance Lessons

I got run over by a ball of good day

I went to the opera tonight. This may seem a little strange because less than I year ago I came to this fine/moderate institution, Wilfred Laurier University to study opera, but tonight was the first time I'd ever seen an opera. I don't mean a rock-opera in the style of RENT (yeah, mutha-fucka, yeah) but a real opera. I saw Mozart's Marriage of Figero, which was a very good starter. It was humourous, yet melodramatic enough that you felt the pain when their was some. There was surtitles so we laughed before the appropriate time in the song. That kinda sucks because of my moderate understanding of italian I could tell when they were saying the funny bit but I still laughed ahead anyway. Plus, I wouldn't have gotten the joke in Italian. I might have known that there was to be joke but I wouldn't have laughed.

Sometimes, I want to kick old people in the head. Before I explain why, I must tell you what I wore to the opera. I really didn't think it was going to be as big as it was so I dressed sort of casual, as in my RENT (yeah, motha-fucka, yeah) shirt and my oh so versatile Shaggy (from Scooby-Doo) style pants. I was wearing this stunning combination as I was standing in the washroom line during the opera's intermission. These two women were talking really loud behind me and one of them says "No day but today, How profound". The back of my shirt says "No day but today" because that is basically the central idea of RENT (yeah, motha-fucka, yeah). Anyways, I knew the woman was talking about my shirt and I was in the line by myself so I decided to strike up a conversation with these women. Bad idea. I ask the women if they had seen RENT (one last time - yeah, mutha-fucka, yeah) and she said "Yes, I saw it in Toronto right after the composers death." Right then I was like, shit what did I get myself into. Jonathan Larson, the librettist and composer of RENT, died of a brain aneurysm the night before RENT premiered off-Broadway. After the woman said she say it in Toronto right after the composer died, I knew she didn't know SHIT. Not right after the composer died, at all you stupid fuck. Anyway, I was like, oh God, must stop talking to woman, ask THE question and then turn back to the line. So I asked her, "Did you enjoy it?" Her reply: "Yes, it was well done but I didn't know why they didn't just pay the rent. Why didn't they just get jobs and pay the rent?" I turned around right then. I didn't want to yell at her. What the FUCK is that? The woman missed the point of the whole damn two and a half hour musical. It's not about "paying the rent". Loser. It's about living your life like you feel it should be lived and doing what you want to do. You don't just go get a job. You suffer through for what you love. Some people may "just go get a job" but that's not for everyone. I just wanted to kill 'er. Some people should be forced to stay indoors where they won't subject other people to their stupidity.

Bravo Karin for figuring out with no help from me who I fancy in Waterloo. AH!!


If I recieved one of these valentines this February 14th, I would be a little disappointed, but howling so it's okay. Send away.
Sitting in my room listening to the beautiful Tori thinking about the day. The most wonderful day of the year, well almost. If October the 3rd wasn't a day and neither was Christmas then it would be the most wonderful day of the year. February 8th is a beautiful day. What might a person do one such a magnificent day? Well, we could all say,


I think she would like that. If all the world would wish my beautiful, shy, perfectly caring, spectacular, talented friend a happy birthday maybe this beauty would realize that she is the best thing that could have happened to the world on February eighth. That the world is now a better place for February eighth, nineteen eighty-two coming and dropping something off before it went back to the land of days gone. Thanks, February Eighth for the present. I couldn't have survived without it. Much love, baby.

Took a test at this site. I just thought the results were interesting.

# 1 Slumber Party Massacre 5
# 2 Kentucky Fried Movie
# 3 Kids
# 4 Gummo

# 5 Surf Nazis Must Die!
# 6 Blood Cult
# 7 Dead Alive
# 8 Evil Dead 2
# 9 The Evil Dead
# 10 Nowhere
# 11 Pulp Fiction
# 12 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
# 13 Fight Club

# 14 Repo Man

Can I get a HELL YEAH for that? Nice. "I hate fuckin' rabbits." Gummo is the best movie I've ever seen in my life. If you can get your hands on a copy see it. It some fucked up shit. (By the way, normally if you like beastiality you LIKE fucking rabbits. It kind of a given that MOST people don't enjoy fucking rabbits. No relation to the movie though. They don't try to fuck rabbits. I just like the language that's all.)


Oh my. I'm quite vulgar aren't I? I had a good night. No need to speak of the cocks, Alysia. Geez. Sometimes even I think I've gone to far. Got back an Italian test that I took two weeks ago today. I thought I failed, as per usual with Italian. Not that I usually fail but that I think I'm going to fail. I haven't failed yet but everytime I think, "This is the one. This one I'm gonna fail. I can feel it." Then I get it back and I get like a B. Oh, confidence where is your hiding place. I was never good at hide and seek so you'll have to help me out. Anyways, I got a B on the test. Perhaps I wouldn't think I was going to fail every time if I didn't go to Paddy's on Wednesday before the test on Thursday. It may be a good idea but not a feasible one.

Sometimes a happy song can make you feel a million times worse than any sad song could. Not a dance happy song but one thats happy in message, not in music. The music could be pleasent enough but the real sadness comes from the love in the lyrics. Nobody writes a happy song about how they got ice cream for lunch or something similar. It's always about love, and how they're in it. That is what causes your eyes to need a little more moisture than usual, and share that natural lubricant with your face. The fact that someone else has so much love and you don't. They are having a nice meal of seafood and you're stuck in the middle of a dry lake fishing in the mud. If you, my friend, are in love, like I'm sure some of you are, congratulations. I'm happy for you. Just don't write songs about it.

Very good night at Paddy's tonight. Shit, typings difficult like this. Anyway, I had a great time. To bad I needed the drink to have it. Test tomorrow in Italian. AH! Oh well, I had a VERY good night. AH!! If you know what that AH is about then you're in the KNOW but if you don't then you're NOT in the KNOW. Oh, males. Why do I need you so? So very cute. Mmmm.... Love those cocks. Yes indeedy.


You know that Dave Matthews fellow really knows his shit. Listening to Everyday today and that wonderfully overplayed song "Space Between" came on. I realized how well he's expressing exactly how I've been feeling lately. "The space between the tears we've cried is the laughter keeps us coming back for more." That's really it. I may cry quite a bit but the fact of the matter is that the same people who make me cry are the ones who make me howl. Not just laugh. That happens from teachers and people I barely know, but cramp up laughing. That laughter that makes your whole body hurt, but as long as your laughing who really gives a fuck? As long as my friends keep causing me that joyful pain then I'll let them cause in me that not so great pain. I think it's worth it. Don't you?
You know what would be the sweetest? I know my girl Karen feels this. Having the Little Earthquakes LP. I know my friend Anna got a bunch of Tori LP's from some guy who was a regular at Blackwater Coffee and Tea, my personal favourite Sarnia coffee house. Wonderful dark roast they have there. Anyways, I couldn't remember if she got the Little Earthquakes LP but that would be one DAMN FINE acquisition. I seem to remember her having the Under the Pink LP and me salivating over that beautiful piece of work. Earthquakes on LP of those things I'll lust over but will never have. Ha ha, LE on LP. Ha ha LE on LP with LB (Lindsay Browning). Sorry. Would be sweet though... hmmmmm. * dreamy far-off look, much like Alice must have had before she saw that rabbit, but less opium, more dream *

In Fiction...

Sometimes I'll be sitting in class and the teacher or one of my classmates will say something that I want to relate to all of you in the blogging public, so I write it down. The problem lies in the fact that my notes for classes are so cluttered with absent minded doodles and rambles and lyrics that I can't decipher the blog thoughts from the nonsense. Tells you something about my writing on here, doesn't it? Anyway, I tried writing on the corner of stuff and then shoving those scraps of paper into my purse or pocket. The problem with this method was that I always lost them. So, I thought, "What do I have at the computer everytime I sit down?" The only logical answer was my hands. Now, this method isn't fool-proof because I also have this habit of writing my daily "to-do" list on the outside of my hand so my hand usually end up looking something like this:

Beautiful, isn't it? Anyways, the outside of my hand get pretty cluttered but usually that's okay, I can just write on the inside. Well, my fiction class is always a vault of ideas cased for robbing and when I went tonight I got about three ideas on my palm within the first thirty minutes (3 hour class - ouch). Now this is pretty normal. I'll usually just stick with those three maybe adding little notes or whatever. The problem was the heat in my damn fiction class. It was so damn hot that the writing on my hand rubbed right off. "Well, Alysia, you silly milly poop head, just write it on the other side." Um, yeah that side was full. Also, by the time I noticed that it was rubbing off it was indecipherable. It wouldn't have come off so quickly on a normal person but I have an obsession with having soft hands so I compulsively put on lotion, causing the surface of my hands to be just a wee bit more sweating when it's mutha-f'ing hot. Sorry, kids, I can remember that I was excited about one of my hand blogs but now all I can remember is my teacher's theories on women's roles in Realism.


I think the people above me are ponding on their floor in response to my music. I can't be sure though because they haven't come down to say anything. They just keep banging on the floor. It's really loud though. Not my music, the banging. My music isn't really all that loud though because when I close my door I can just barely hear it in the hall when I'm listening for it. Maybe they aren't ponding the floor in response to me but just have a strange disorder or some sort of obsessive-compulsive thing where they must pound on the floor every once in a while. Meh.
Only significantly less hairy am I. If I was that hairy, man, I'd freak. Also, before any cracks about my preference for hairy men go in the comment portion of this site, Chewbacca is, in fact, too hairy for me.
click to find out if you are obsessed!
Did you have any doubts?

Again, was there any doubt that I am a total geek?


I'm going to look at a house on Wednesday. Some of the girls on the new floor have a place that they want me to look at. We'll see what happens.
In response to the newest quote: I've was thinking about that quote all weekend but I didn't have my book at home so I had to wait till I got back to post it. I had to post it because it shows my state of mind over the weekend. Now, I realize that it's a load of shit, though. Kori's quote wasn't actually serious. It was in response to me trying to express the quote to the left. But the current quote is going to come down in a day or two though, because love is a load of shit. I don't know why we even bother. I mean really, what's the point? I used to think that quote was beautiful. Now, I just think that it is from the Book of Lies We Tell Ourselves So Living Seems Like a Good Thing. Damn long title, kinda like the book. So many lies.

Went to the Evan and Dave Moore art show, My Ego Amigo, fine-settimana (last weekend). Most amazing stuff. The Moores are sharing the show with a mother/daughter team, Lynne Kennieth Brogden and Stephanie Kaye Brogden, whose half of the exhibit is called lunch with the masters and is a bunch of knockoff of famous works on chairs and shit. Not exactly my cup of tea but that did do a damn fine job on a couple of peices, so it's worth getting a look at after you're done marvelling at the Moores. Also, the name Kennieth may ring a bell. They own the Kennieth Gallery downtown. So, if you're in the Sarnia-Lambton area in the near future check it out. It's at the Gallery in the Grove in Bright's Grove. The show can be viewed from Feb 3rd to Feb. 24th. The Gallerie's hours are from 2:30 pm to 8:00 pm on Monday to Thursday and 2:00 to 5:00 on Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, it is closed on Fridays. Check it out though. I'm going to go see it again because I went to the artist's reception and I couldn't get a good look at these phenomenal works.

I was thinking about how I love 3 o'clock in the afternoon in Waterloo because the warm sun shines into my room, when I realized that Ani doesn't seem to like 3 o'clock in the afternoon. "It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and I can't leave too soon saying thank you I had a nice time." Cradle and all. "I know at the hour of 3 the sun is going to be in my eyes." - Virtue. Just something I was thinking about.


So I was talking to my friend Eva So Weary Assistant, also known as Jenny, and she was telling me about our friend Crafty Bernardo, also known as Dave Sharp, and how his personality fit his Wu-Tang clan name perfectly. I said "What you mean girrrrrl?" And she said that our mutual friend Gratuitous F-REEK, a.k.a.Tammy Collins, found this site where you could get a Wu-Tang Clan name. Jenny didn't know where it was so I followed in the steps of Sir Woodrow Westingham and went on a quest for the holy Wu-Name site. Eureka! I found it. My Wu-Tang clan name is Jive-Talkin' Choirboy. Seems kinda fitting doesn't it? Anyway, you can get your own WuName. Enjoy.

I saw brillance at work today. It is a short film called More. It is truly breathtaking. Thanks Justin, for introducing this bit of genius into my life. Don't watch this if you don't have sound! I can't stress that enough. Would you watch any movie if you didn't have sound? Then, don't watch this one. But take the time to watch this with sound. It's only six minutes long but I gotta say this is the best six minutes I have spent in years.

If my heart soaking wet, boy, your boots can leave a mess.
And this ones for you...

Well, Cat, I did it. Just for you baby. It's in the sidebar. Still needs some work but I'm a little fucked up right now so you'll have to give me a bit. Sorry. Shite tries to rape you and you know I can do nothing but try to fight off my attacker, yelling "Rape". Every girl knows you yell "Fire" but who thinks about that when a pig is trying to tear of your panties. Sorry. I mean really fucked.

My Plan's vs. Everyone else's plans

Well, I came home this weekend. I had sort of hoped to do some mending this weekend. You see, recently I've been felling like these comfortable friendships have gotten one too many holes. They are almost to the point where they'll need a serious mending. I don't want to have to do a serious manding. They never quite fit the same after that, so I was hoping that a mild patching would do the trick. Seems as though my needle was a little dull though because all my friends didn't quite get the point. Anyway, I guess I'll see you guys in two weeks.

Okay, if you find something enjoyable about my damn page, let me know. (I mean you, Matt, you little fucker. I know you were reading my page. Just leave a fuckin' comment. Is it that hard?) Anyway, thanks for taking time out of your miserable, pathetic lives to read my genius. ;) There's an emoticon for ya, baby. Ya like that. I knew you would, my precious little feline. :) Don't think this page is going to become a breeding ground for emoticons. I don't want those damn things copulating all-over the page spreading their "feelings". Sure, that's all you're speading, ya slut. Whoa, too much hostility there. (I still think you should leave a comment FUCKER. Yeah, I mean you. No, Swift I don't mean you. Cut that narcissitic shit out. But Matt, I mean you.)