Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


You know what I hate? The human race. I got an e-mail from a friend a couple days ago that I've been putting off reading because of the title, Date Rape Pills. I know I should read it because I like to stay in the know about stuff like that but I don't want to know because it only makes me hate my species. The e-mail, which I finally read today, discussed a new use for an animal drug with one of those long unpronouncable names. The drug is used to make horses sterile and rapists will put it in the drink with the old Rohipnol so that the girl won't get pregnant. The huge issue with this, other then the girl has just been raped, is that the effects of this veternary drug never wear out. The victim can never have children, or another child if she already has one. The sickest thing is that there are websites outlining how to use this drug and it's easily attainable from any veternary school. Girls at Guelph and Mac, BEWARE!!! (Guelph has a big veternary school and Mac has the highest number of rapes at any of the schools in Ontario.) It just makes me hate people. I'm not going to say I hate men because women do some pretty terrible things to but in this instance I must say that this is a male thing. I've only ever heard of one man being raped but the number of women makes me sick.

Remember how I fucked the shit out of my fiction mid-term? I got it back. I got an A, baby. That's right. I made the right choice in English. Just because you think you can sing doesn't mean you should be in Music and, in my case, the switch to English was the best choice I could have possibly made. Now, if any one want to show me how to form an argument I'd be happy to hear them out because I seem to "have very good points but trouble holding the argument together. (James Allard, second page of my poetry midterm)" No worries though. My points were good enough to get me a B. I'm sorry about all this talk about marks but in Music I was really drowning and now I'm so happy that I want to tell everyone I know. I am not a failure! Sorry, again. I'm just a joyful girl. :)


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