Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Sometimes I don't think Ferris Bueller is right. Life moves pretty DAMN slow sometimes. Swear word of the month is DAMN. Anyway, I just want to get to damn Friday. I'm so tired of school. I need a break. I can't wait to go to (Not gonna say damn, not gonna say damn) frickin' (*sigh of relief*) Toronto. I'm so EXCITED!!

University seems to have a favourite letter for Alysia and it's not an F. As long as it's not an F I'm okay. Got back my first major essay as an English major. Yeah, I'm not that great at formal writing as anyone who has read this page even once would know. Essay writing is usually not my weakest point but I was so worried that my interpretation was so left field that he would fail me that I didn't really worry so much about the technical elements. Bad idea. Although I did get Alysia's Wilfred Laurier Letter so I didn't do so badly. I think that he may have nejoyed my far gone interpretation. Thank you Karen for lending me The Bell Jar so I could draw on that for ideas.

Oh speaking of Poetry class, I was quite shocked today when I realized that what I had thought was a male in my glass named Brian is really a female named, oh, lets call her "Janie". That's not her real name but I don't know where she lives and this address is floating around campus so I don't trust putting her real name. I could have sworn this girl was a guy. No really. She has one of those shaggy, "I'm a surfer" haircuts and always wears what I thought were men's Campus Crew shirts. Also, she has one of those baby faces that I thought was a man's baby face. Turns out I was wrong. When the teacher called her name to pick up her paper I think my eyes popped out my head. I couldn't believe it. I've gone three weeks thinking this was a brother. Even when she talked in class I thought it was a brother. Maybe she's transexual. hmmmm....


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