Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Eight Relatively Unrelated Positive Things

  1. I am in a kick ass musical with kick ass people. TC has been a little isolating, despite the fact that I live with kick ass people (see Positive Thing 4), so the 9 hours of rehearsal a week have been wonderfully uniting. Now, I may be bugging the hell out of my cast members with my constant wise-cracking and tomfollery, but I'm enjoying myself. Delightfully saucy.

  2. I am really enjoying teaching. I can't tell you much more than that, or I'll have to kill you. Union says so, and we do what the union says. ;)

  3. I've started knitting in more of my classes here. Before I was afraid I would be scowled at by the teachers, but most seem okay with it, especially after I explain that it helps me pay attention. Also, people have showed interest in learning, whether it's new techniques or the basic. I'm thinking soon I shall start a rival Crafter's Mafia. We shall be like the Russian mafia vs. the Italian mafia, except that we kill with our crafts. *squinty eyed stare*

  4. My housemates are a lot of fun. Whether it's chosing Tudor's future or screaming "Stare-y" everytime that guy from Prison Break comes on the TV, they make me laugh a lot. I'm happy to live with all three of those crazy weirdos.

  5. I have a mullet. You may not think this is positive. You may think this is a silly weird thing to have, but you must understand that the mullet is 6 months of growth which I can't part with. It's not a horrible mullet, just a "I've decided to embark on the horrid ordeal which is growing out my hair" mullet. I haven't had long hair since Grade 12 - though I doubt that any of you who knew me then even remember my hair being long - and I want to try it again. I'm sure come January I'll be sick of it again, but for the first time in a long time I can wear pigtails. Okay, they're more like mulletails, but I have elastics around bunches of my hairs, which I view as an achievement.

  6. There were stars out last night. I need the stars to feel how insignificant I am, which may seem, much like the mullet, like a silly weird thing to want to feel. The problem is that I can get a pretty huge head sometimes. When things are going really well, I have to be reminded that I really am just a student living off her parents, not the hippest, hottest lady in the land who will save the children of the world from what would otherwise be a future of McJobs and bad music. Anyway, the stars were beuatiful and I felt insignificant and happy to be it. The world doesn't rest on my shoulders, and every good thing makes things a little bit better.

  7. Dancing. I love to dance. A few weeks ago, my housemate and my new friend Tasha went dancing. Have you heard Kanye West's "Golddigger"? I can't get the damn song out of my head, and, like Jimmy cracking that corn, I don't care. I was at TC function, so I was surrounded by other teachers. "Golddigger" came on. I saw an empty stage and shoke my money maker to it. I don't remember having such a good time in a long time. My new city needs a Phil's.

  8. Jumanji.


Do you want to know a secret?

Sometimes I like to pretend that strangers on the street are horribly, awfully in love with me and that whispered hello, that moment of eye contact, is the closest they'll ever get to telling me. Sometimes I pretend that in 20 years, I'll be reading a book or visiting a gallery, and I'll see that moment in a painting or poem and I'll know it's about me, but I won't do anything about it.