Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Arg.... It happened AGAIN! I've lost my voice once again. I don't know how it happened but it seems as though waking up today wasn't a good idea so my body has decided that I should be able to communicate with people. It's probably mad because it's not getting as much attention as it was last semester. I just hate losing it. Perhaps, it's telling me to slow down and listen more. Let's hope that that's it. Actually, that makes sense with everything I've been trying to do lately. I've been trying to listen more to what people have to say but it doesn't work so well when you're used to talking as much as I am. Slow down, relax. Also, you can't talk when you should be working if you have no voice. Well, let's hope it comes back by Friday because if it doesn't it's going to get even worse because I am NOT spending my whole weekend in Toronto silent. Fuck that bullshite.

You know what else I hate: the way I don't hate Valentine's Day. I want to hate it so much. I just can't bring myself to do it. As much as I listen to music which expresses the need to castrate men, I really do enjoy them. I also like the idea of romance and all those lies. I wish I could be bitter and really think Valentine's Day is a load of crap. On the surface, I do think it's a load of crap but deep down, not so deep that I can't see it, but far down enough that I can't reach to pick it up and throw it out, I really do enjoy the idea of Valentine's Day. I'm a pathetic example of a feminist. I'm the woman who wants to be a feminist but can't bring herself to call herself a womyn. Pathetic.


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