Just be sure it's balanced, Libra...
I hate: the feminist stereotype of the hairy, but short haired, "manly" woman
I hate: the need of North Americans to take, have, want
I hate: having to justify my taste in music, even though sound tastes are similar to tongue tastes: sometimes there is no logic, just an unpleasant taste
I hate: the smell of grease and car exhausts and Tim Horton's at the corner of Cathcart and Colbourne
I hate: that I am what I hate
Remember Balance
I love: the warm sun on my wind-cooled arm when I'm driving fast with my arm out of the window
I love: new people who have different ideals and beliefs than me, even though this may cause conflict, it means I am moving out of stagnancy
I love: the clean, fresh feeling of hard, sweaty work, especially creating or growing
I love: simple, uncomplicated sounds, like a creaking rocking chair, the crashing of Niagara Falls or a spoon tinkling against a coffee mug
I love: that I am what I love
Over-Compensating For What I'm Not Complete Without
I'm not sure if anyone else does this or if I'm alone here, but I'm going to share with you. Some people that I know see a beautiful person and try to bring themselves closer to that image. They'll go to the gym or buy the same shade of lipstick. They'll buy that shirt or wear their hair that way. Me: I see a beautiful person and I want to stop what I'm doing and read a really good book. I carry a book around in my purse for that reason. I know I'll never have that kind of physical beauty, so why try so hard? I guess I figure if I can make my brain beautiful enough it will give me the kind of beauty that I lack. I hope to overpower my ugh with shear brain-power. Some days I feel it working, like when someone says they've always wanted to talk to me but I was just "too smart". That's a "too beautiful" reaction. (He was smarter than me; I just talk more. ;)) Maybe that slice of intelligence translates into confidence for me, and confidence is often equated with beauty. If you can look at beauty like a mirror, I envy you. I should mention that it isn't just human beauty that I do that with, but ads throw the highly sexualized human form in our faces, and I'm addicted to media. But if I see a beautiful tree, I have to go read. It's a good thing I see beauty in just about everything. I'd be quite the idiot if I didn't. *sticks face in Waiting for Godot*12.6.03
Note:Today, my parents best friend said "It looks like a bird." (It's true. It just took an older person to notice.) Also today, my sister said it looked better than any of my other hair styles. Damn you, mixed reviews!