Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Just be sure it's balanced, Libra...

I hate: the feminist stereotype of the hairy, but short haired, "manly" woman
I hate: the need of North Americans to take, have, want
I hate: having to justify my taste in music, even though sound tastes are similar to tongue tastes: sometimes there is no logic, just an unpleasant taste
I hate: the smell of grease and car exhausts and Tim Horton's at the corner of Cathcart and Colbourne
I hate: that I am what I hate

Remember Balance

I love: the warm sun on my wind-cooled arm when I'm driving fast with my arm out of the window
I love: new people who have different ideals and beliefs than me, even though this may cause conflict, it means I am moving out of stagnancy
I love: the clean, fresh feeling of hard, sweaty work, especially creating or growing
I love: simple, uncomplicated sounds, like a creaking rocking chair, the crashing of Niagara Falls or a spoon tinkling against a coffee mug
I love: that I am what I love


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