Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Here's a nice little tale about how I'm a big idiot face. So, I'm at work talking to the main receptionist waiting to cover for her during her lunch, asking her what she wants me to do while she is out. She's explaining as I lean against the counter/desk. My hands are wandering away from me, as they usually do when I don't keep them biting my nails or pulling my lip, and they managed to find what they thought was one of those buttons one might find on a new desk which is actually a hole to put cords through. I pressed what I thought was a cord button, only to find that I had in fact pressed the panic button. The Receptionist is howling at me, barely able to tell me that she has to let the police know not to come she's laughing so hard. We couldn't figure out how to turn the alarm off, so it went for about 15 minutes. Our neighbours were over asking what the matter was, which ellicited more laughter from the receptionist as I sheepishly explained what I'd done. My boss was out at the time, so the receptionist told me about how my boss had once pressed the panic button "just to see what it would do". I'm not sure whether I would feel any better if I had pressed it on purpose. Doubtful, though it was pretty cool to see a panic button in action.


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