To jump over the moon
Only thing to do is jump over the moon.
(Leap of faith, leap of faith, leap of faith, leap of faith)
(I couldn't say it so I thought I'd bring in Jonathan Larson to do the job)
As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.
(I couldn't say it so I thought I'd bring in Jonathan Larson to do the job)
1. I hate the gas
2. I hate the freezing.
First, the gas freaks me out. It reminds me of this nasty habit I have of not breathing. My dentist and dental technician both know that I hate the shit so they're constantly asking me if I'm okay, which is comforting yet aggravating because I just want to get it over with. I only get the gas while he administers the needle but it still goes to my head.
I hate the freezing because it lasts so damn long. TWO HOURS after I left the dentist the freezing still hadn't worn off. I had been home for less than an hour and my da came home with piping hot, delicious Firenzi's pizza. I decided that being that it was six and I hadn't eaten since noon I was hungry so I was going to eat a piece of the fabulous Firenzi's pizza. That was a mistake. I was fine until half-way through the slice I got cocky. I decided that instead of placing bite sized pieces into my partial frozen like soft serve ice cream mouth I was going to bite the pizza. I know my mouth was only partially frozen because I could kind of feel it when I took a big chunk out of my cheek. Every time I have a cavity filled, I take a chunk out of my cheek. And don't give me any of that shit about "Maybe you should brush your teeth, scungy mouth" because the crappy dentist's crappy enamel came dislodged from excessive brushing so you can shut your scungy mouth.
I think two seconds ago was the first time that I have deleted a blog in two months. In case you're curious, the subject was appearence and the apathy I do not possess. It wasn't worth reading a first time, let alone a second. If I can't stand to proof read my own writing, then why write it. That just may be the problem with many of the bloggers out there. There is no censorship. It hurts, honey, but not everything you write is worth reading. The same is true for everyone, myself included. The blog I didn't post was shite. It was even more shite-like than this. (I wanted to call it "excremental" but I'm positive that isn't a word. :) ) I'm just glad I had the sense to highlight and delete that one. Perhaps, I should have done the same here?
It's like going home to a pack of piranhas on amphetamines.
I had to mute my mic I was laughing so hard at that oneSome days I feel this. Some days I don't. I don't know what old face, old friends or old mind I want. All I know is that today (or yesterday, as is the case) whatever it is that I have right now is shite. My face and my mind were shite. My friends were blowing me off so they were a little excremental as well. This feeling has passed, but I know it will return and I think I'm okay with that, today.
Lolita. Vladmir Nabokov's Lolita is currently taking my lungs and squeezing them till I have to put the book down because I can't breathe. Please realize that I am not exagerrating. I have had to put the book down because I can't breathe. Don't think that my lungs are week, either, because they're not. I've been training my lungs since I was nine to be able to take in as much air as in physically possible in as short a time frame as possible and, with this book, I can't breathe. I have this nasty habit of throwing books that I like too much because I can't stand my own need for them. Last night alone, I felt the urge to throw this book at least 7 times in an hour. I don't know why I'm tellin you this. Perhaps, I want you to read the book. The subject matter is controversial, but Nabokov prose makes me weak. I think it's from the lack of air.