Please don't answer this
Do you hate me yet? Do you loath the thought of my name, my laugh, my wild, wild hair? (For some strange reason, it has grown completely unmanagable in your absence. You always kept me grounded.) Do those everyday reminders startle you, inciting the fighter spirit as they do in myself? My WS prof champions women as the radicals so my passions are explained away, but yours... Sorry, uterus in my throat. I don't know who I'm writing for anymore. I guess I just expect people to start hating me. My buddy Dan and I had just come from a sweet rehearsal for our Fringe Festival shit, and he comes out of nowhere with "So, Alysia, what kind of Feminist are you?" I was taken a back but promptly answered, "Radical". I know the thousands of negative ideas related to that, but I'm gonna start saying it with confidance, because I know that I
adore men. For me, radical feminist is a champion for change, not a female supremesist (spelling? fuck it.). In my Children's Lit course, my teacher brought up the gender equality in this one children's story, and of course I, and a few others, went off on feminist theory in relation to the children's books we're studying in the course. I thought it was one of the most energetic, vigourous discussions that we participated in, but one young man in particular thought this must have been the biggest trial of his life. Another of my male classmates brought up the issue of feminist film theory and I went off on this tangent about Nicole Kidman's 30 min. performance that the Academy deemed Oscar worthy. I realized it was irrelevant to the class so I related it to one of the books. In the middle of my "speech" (for lack of a better word at 3 in the morn), this guy starts groaning and throwing his head down onto the desk. (!) I was like, "What the f', guy?" Yes, I actually did say that, to which he rolled his eyes at me. Way to verbalize your feelings, Mack. (Mack is a generic name used to indicate the gender of the person in question. His real name is Matt.*) It irks me that someone in English, where there are so many necessary methods of analysis, including Feminist, could have such a juvenile response to an honest discussion. The only other time I've encountered a response such as that was from Trendy McTrend, who groaned and rolled her eyes at my answering a presentor's question
on feminist theory. Yo, Chiquita, he asked the question; I'm just answering it.
It is unfortunate that my blogs have become steadly more serious, but I will not apologize. If you find it uninteresting, email me with a topic of your choice. :)
* names are changed to protect Matt's identity, I mean, the identity of the people refered to here.