Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


This kid reads way too much Calvin and Hobbes

So, I have a little brother that is hilarious. Any of my friends who have met the little fucker thinks so. This is just a small anecdote about Status Quo's knowledge of current events. Just as a bit of background, Status Quo, which is my brother Andrew's rapper name, is 14, and he tends to watch the nightly news with my Da. So, on with the story. In my area of Canada right now, there is still quite a bit of snow, which my brother is vehemently against, so he decided to go on his own personal crusade to rid my backyard of as much snow as possible. I was home this weekend, doing work at the kitchen table, watching him stomping and kicking around the snow. First, he comes inside and asks my dad if he can fill up some buckets with hot water to pour on the snow. Da tells him to bug off, so Drew goes back outside to procede with his kicking and stomping. Suddenly, he stops *lightbulb goes on here*, and runs in the house up to the kitchen. He reaches into one of the cupboards and pulls out 2 toothpicks. Then, he turns to me and says, "Yes, weapons of mass destruction!" He then ran frantically from the house, as I howled for ten minutes. Yeah, Drew, sometimes it feels like they are arguing over toothpicks.


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