Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.



Okay, so this is what happiness feels like. Seriously, I don't think I would change a thing with my life at this moment. In the past month, I've gotten really involved with the Laurier Women's Centre and I finally feel like I have a large group of people who get me totally and completely. I have a few friends who get me, but they are few and far between. My music friends understood me, but in a completely different way. Some of them treated my passion as part of my "act", like the bitchy comedian. (Emphasis on some.) Because it is International Women's Week, there have been a lot of things going on around campus, including a feminist discussion on Tuesday that was so amazing. The theme for the discussion was "Listening" because it seems like we feminists are doing a lot of talking but not listening to each other. It was a fabulous experience. There was a shit disturber there who was just trying to get us to fight with him, but we just debated. Even I didn't yell at him, and if you've ever tried to debate with me, I usually end up yelling, getting all personal and just Great Wall of China defensive. I was calm, which shocked me afterwards.

Also, I presented this project in my women's studies class that I had worked especially hard on and was quite proud of, and my psuedo-TA told me after the Feminist discussion that it had actually brought her to tears. (It consisted of a group member reading first person accounts of violence at the back of the class while myself and two other women stood at the front of the class with red tape over our mouths, holding a huge collage of black and white photos of women with pieces of red tape over their mouths. It was my idea. I actually got in front of a group of people and didn't say a thing. It surprised me more than anyone.) That was pretty amazing since I wasn't sure how it would fly.

I went to a Yoni workshop last night. Basically, Yoni is the vagina, so I went to a vagina making workshop, but that it doesn't have to be a realistic representation of the vagina. I made candy dishes, because vaginas are delicious things. ;) I haven't worked with clay in two years and it was such a beautiful to sit around with a bunch of women and men celebrating Yoni. It was beautifully meditative and aaaahhhhhh.... sweet sighs.

If you get a chance to go to the Vagina monologues, GO! They are enjoyable to the X-treme.

Yeah... *enjoys the sound of the word* happy *sighs with contentment*


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