A fucking fantastic night, well actually a fucking fantastic DAY and night. Spending the day/night with people I admire and respect will bring me quite close to the point of implosion. I spent a productive (and rather fun) day discussing BoD shit with the chair of the board, Dave and Tudor. Nothing like medium buffalo fingers to say that food is
always productive and fun. (Yes, even when you have to prepare it, food is
always productive and fun.) In the computer lab, Tudor, Dave and Heather graciously sat for portraits which at best vaguely resemble them. I'm not very good at human likenesses. After the portrait session, I met Cresta at 1842 for coffee, where we discussed porn and our love(s) for gay men. I'm not sure that our loves are exactly the same, so I'm putting the "s" in there, just in case I find out we love gay men in different ways. After passionately discussing a variety of issues, we went outside to smoke, when, lo and behold, our friends were outside. Let say that I recommend the Electric Popsicle at the Jane Bond; it comes with a glow stick! So many fun things to do with a glow stick.
Have you ever been on the roof of the Aird building? I have now.
Kevin played Winter during our sing along session and I broke down. "I tell you that I'll always want you near/You say that things change my dear". I know I've been forbidden from discussing the loss of love, but it was acute at that moment. I hope I never feel that I will always want someone near that cannot be. There is something in "always" that makes me cring, much like forever. I was bugging Tudor because his BoD platform said he would "always be available in the Concourse" (our main student gathering place, the hub of activity, both political and otherwise). Of course he can't alway be in the concourse, so there is an implicit lie in that statement. A hyperbole? Perhaps... So, does always carry the disclaimer "within reason"? Can always ever really mean always, or is it understood that always will always be less than what it is?