Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


And yet, I still want a nice guy

I think I've finally figured out why I'm perpetually attracted to assholes. Assholes know they are assholes. Assholes will tell you they are assholes and proceed to be assholes. Assholes will be assholes no matter what I do, or don't do. There isn't any faking around with assholes, unless that is part of their particular asshole make up. Each Asshole has unique, precise components that make them an asshole. If they are a liar, I'll know they are a liar, because an asshole must show pride in his (or in some cases her) assholeness. If they say asshole things, said asshole will know that he says assholes things. (Fuck gender inclusive language. Most assholes I know are men.)

Recently, I got myself tangled with a nice guy. What the hell was I thinking? Nice guys will fuck you over because they don't want to hurt your feelings. A nice guy will be a gentleman and "let you down easy" when really it's faster and less painful to just get it the fuck over with. I'd rather be left with a thicker skin than maggots left behind by rotting "let downs" festering from "nice". I'm jaded, yes, but no one can be nice all the time. The thing about assholes is that when they mean something, they mean it. There is no falsity in their sincerity when I finally drag out that they mean whatever kindness they are saying. You never can tell with the nice guys if they're just being nice.


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