It's nights like that one that make you want to fall in love with a woman, even if she'll only break your heart. Moments. *sigh*
Diesel Sweeties, the comic that I like so much, has an ad in the newest issue of Bust, which I loved like Baby Jesus, only with Robots and Underwear T-shirts. Soooooo good.
I live in a theatre that never runs good scripts. It seems as though my house is a constant place of melodrama, much to my distaste. I would much rather everything was calm and serene, so I could sit and knit or type a blog without constant interruptions about ... well, men (or boys depending on whose what is in question.) I have figured out the ultimate way to get rid of my wonderful flatmates: compare their situation to politics. For example, I told my flatmate not to "bend over backward like Bush for big oil." She rolled her eyes at me and promptly exited the vacinity. Ahhhhh, sweet, crap-loving politics, you serve me well.
either you don't have the balls or you don't feel the same..."
- Ani D, "overlap"
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. Freak shows needs stars, and there was a shortage on hairspray. Vagina were (are) good, BoD is shaping up. I wish too hard for a chance meeting with what I won't run into when wishing bleeds orange. I probably won't post again for awhile. There really aren't enough freaks and geeks for the shows I need.