I am slightly creepy
The information which I am about to impart upon you could possibly be (and perhaps has in the past been) in the "Guilty Pleasures" section, which I have to update. The problem is that today it almost bit me in the ass. My unfortunate guilty pleasure is looking up people I know on Google. Yeah, that's right. If you are my friend, then chances are I have been to all the sites which I think may be associated with you, or people who share your name. Because I am hugely narcissistic, I check my own name quite frequently. Today I was talking with one of my in-betweens – the people who dwell in that uncomfortable place between “friend” and “acquaintance” where you’re comfortable enough to say things that may not be wholly acceptable – when a piece of information I should not have known was divulged, except that I had done a little name search on Google. When I did the name search, I assumed that this was an alternate universe same namer, because the info was weird, yet it was the in-between. I could have been the uncomfortable one, as I almost said, “Oh, yeah, I know.” There was no way I could have known that. The only way I could have known that is if I was a creepy, creepy stalker, which isn’t the case. I don’t frequently check, just once to see if they, like me, have a blog or a webpage or well, really, anything, where I can say “Look what I found! Your website/blog/livejournal! Just don’t ask me how I found it!”. I suppose this is rather creepy, but I just get bored sometimes. (Is that how stalking starts? Gee, I hope not. I don’t want to be a stalker, although I do like creeping like a tiger. “Je suis un
And no, I didn't proof read this post because I'm supposed to be doing an essay. I'll edit it when I update the sidebar. Old friends with new blogs + new friends with old blogs = sidebar reno.