Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Who needs an alias when your name is Alysia Maelene Wyville? It may sound funny to hearsay, but the interest in porno names has never been a fascination for me like it is for other people. I'm sure this is probably because my name is always something like Korman Norman (My first pet was a fish named Korman after Gordon Korman my favorite childhood author; my street growing up was Norman st.) or Korman Beach or someother variation thereof. How is that a better porn name then Alysia Maelene? I have been know to produce narcissitic variations of my current name, like Lena Whaton (Lene-a What-town: I suck), but they still don't possess the mystery and power that my name has. I think part of the reason marriage makes me want to barf is the fact that it's always expected that you'll give up your name. (Don't kid yourself; it's still always expected. Think about the shock you experience/see in others when a woman announces that she isn't taking her fiancees name. Shock comes from the unexpected. Don't expect things; you'll never be shocked. It's better for your heart to have no expectations. Both the figurative and the physical heart.)