Lazy people never call themselves lazy
My new found fervor is going to cost me acquaintances. Tonight, I was sitting with two friends of mine talking about jobs. All the women were in minimum wage service/retail industry jobs, whereas the men were being paid around $13 an hour, if not more (some of the jobs were awesome, some not so much, though the men were still making more in the not so awesome jobs). When I realized this, I asked my friend if she would mind enquired with her boyfriend how many women work in his department. They both gave me that “we’re putting up with this because we love you and know you’re fun, fun, fun.” I didn’t matter to me who they were, but I suppose I knew it was okay because they are dear old friends of mine. Some people aren’t going to like my dedication to the cause. A good friend said to me the other day that I don’t have to be so extreme, he already knows I’m extreme. He was talking about my fierce femme conscience, among other things. The “other things” perhaps I don’t need to be “extreme” about, but I’m not going to “tone 'er down”. There is so much toning down happening, that all people do is tone down. I’m PC, not progressive conservative, or politically correct, but politically conscious. If this offends you, I'm sure you can find something more offensive, like a dead baby joke.