Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


I went missing with myself for a while. I'm not extraordinarily reflective by nature, but lately it seems like I've got a lot to think about that isn't theoretical. I have to deal with life right now and I'm not used to it. I didn't anticipate this or that, even though I tried to anticipate every possible ending for all my Choose-Your-Own-Adventures. A friend recently mistaked my sudden reflectiveness for anger even though nothing was done or said to provoke my rath. ;) I think I'm going to be away for another while, however long while is.

In the meantime, I'm staying happy by check out the creatures in some guy's head while listening to some makes-me-smile Jason Mraz. (I know. Everyone makes fun of me for my interest in this young fellow, but as I said he makes-me-smile and that's what I need right now. A little smile.)


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