Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


But not that stupid movie...

I love it when people try and pass of urban legends as honestly happening to them or "their friend". My absolute favourite is the one about the guy who was driving with a full sheet of acid taped to his chest when he either got stopped by the cops, or at customs. He started to sweat so all the acid absorbed into his system and now he thinks he is an orange. Unfortunately, the guy is now in the hospital in London, or Toronto, or Vancouver and if you approach him flicking your finger as if you're peeling an orange he freaks out. You all know the story. I think I've heard it from about four or five different people. We've all tried to pass of some unbelievable story we heard as being our own. I just love when I hear the same one from like four or five different people. Any others you guys love?


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