Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.



Wouldn't it be nice to be able to pinpoint the moment when everything changes? This past year I unintentionally ceased contact with my bestfriend since I was 8, Jenny. I really don't know what happened. It wasn't like one day I woke up and said "I think Jenny and I should stop this whole 'being friends' thing". But it wasn't all that gradual, either. In the first semester of first year, we still talked and went out when I came home. Even during second semester we still had contact. I came home for the summer and nothing. I think I talked to her like three time, and I think they were all about or during the Amnesty show. It isn't even that we lead dissimilar lives. I heard through the system of relations that she's going to school now. Jen, congratulations. What happened? Was it the boyfriend? I don't think so. It seems like sometime in April something just cracked in us that caused this great divide. Who are you now? Every seven years our cells completely regenerate; I saw Jen become a whole new person, but who is that now. I'm almost to the point where there is a whole new person where I used to be, and that's making me wonder who that I is. Where was the click? Was it more like a spark? I've always viewed friendship as a woven basket, but that's changing. I don't know how to look at it now. Don't be scurd, but I'm starting to question the validity of friendship. I had a friend tell me that friendship is just people using each other to fill in their cracks like plaster of paris. Of course I disagreed and subsequently, we agreed to the whole disagreeing thing, but the re-pondering has begun as my rememory kicks in of all the times I had memories of Jenny. No matter how much I ponder though, I keep coming back to that same question, how do you isolate the departure of love?


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