Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.



I went to see Ani last night. I've thinking about how I can convey this experience to you, dear reader, ("dear, read" is a palendrome) all day but I just can't. I had an oral exam in Italian today where my teacher inquired about the concert and all I could say was "Non ho le parole" (I don't have the words.) She asked me if I could discribe it in English, to which I replied, "Non ho le parole ad Englese". I seriously have no idea how to explain the bliss I experienced. Swift and Karen went with me, so I was the residence expert but it didn't matter because she play like 50% new stuff, 25% revelling and Reckoning, which I don't know as well as say Out of Range or Not a Pretty Girl. The new stuff was SO good. I can't wait for a new album. EEEEE!! I'm still on cloud 86 about that. (Cloud 9 was surpassed with the Tori concert and this just took me out of orbit.) It was fuckin' magnificant!! *content sigh*


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