Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


I'm going home on the 7 o'clock train tomorrow. I'll be home by 11:15, if the trains aren't fuck heads. Give me a call tomorrow night, if you want to. I haven't got plans yet. :) If not, have a nice weekend, my little princes and independent women. Nooch.

I think that's my problem. I love men who treat women like a prince would treat a woman. I think it's a prince. So, I'm really sick right. Like, seriously sick. I almost passed out today in my Communications Studies presentation but that's wholley unrelated to my point. After the class was over, I broke my juice bottle. It was sitting empty on my desk and it slide right off. This really soft spoken guy comes over from the other side of the classroom and starts cleaning it up for me. I was sort of like, "What?" So I told him I could get it. He insisted on cleaning it up. I just thought that was probably the sweetest thing any male has done for me in a while. I was beginning to lose my faith in men after the whole Matthew B./Amalie let down but that guy, with one simple gesture, made me realize that, no Alysia, not all men are brutal and they are worth your interest. I'm not interested in the guy. I just thought that that was an extremely "gentlemen"ly (not a word, I know, shut up) thing to do. Sometimes, chivilary will occur in the most unlikely places.

Another side note: My fever broke in the middle of my presentation. I was sweating so bad. It sucked.


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