Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Things you really don't care to know

1. The Beach is not worth seeing. Yes, it does contain Robert Carlyle, but he's in every other movie I've ever seen, I swear. Yes, it is directed by Danny Boyle the man who did an suitable job of adapting Trainspotting, but see Shallow Grave instead, because at least Shallow Grave is Welsh. Yes, it did contain that heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio, who really can act when he's not being heartthrobby, but he didn't do any of that acting in The Beach. Take those out of consideration and you have a movie with no plot and lots of crappiness. Don't see The Beach. Save yourself what seems like four hours.

2. Today, I was told by a man who was definitely English second language that I had a "hearty laugh". Now, I was flattered, but with a moment of contemplation I began to doubt this compliment. Did he mean that it was full bodied, like a hot cup of dark roast, or too filling, like Granny's Sunday dinners? Would my laugh be better if it were a little lighter, less boisterous? Did he mean that my laugh was boisterous? Should I restrain my laughter a little? Sometimes, I freaking loath compliments.

Important: 3. My name is A - lish - a Normally, when people call into my work they don’t care about me at all. I’m there to help them and I could be a robot for all they care. Those people don’t care whether I have a name or not. This doesn’t bother me. I’m there to help them and if we had a robot smart enough it could do my job. Sometime, we do have customers who will inquire about the voice on the phone. Tonight, I had two very nice customers who were interested in where I was located and what I did. The first woman talked with me about Toronto and asked me if I was there for “Popestock”. Yes, she was a joy to talk to. I think I actually said, “well she was fun” to a co-worker before she hung up. She didn’t call me anything but “honey” and I was happier that way. The next guy was interested in me, too. In the beginning of the call, I had some reason to ask him what time it was in Cali. He asked me where I was located and we got to talking again about Canada. He spoke of the Rocky Mountains, while I elaborated on my local area. When I had finished his extensive order, he finished with “You have a nice night, Aleesha. *click*” I placed my tongue on the roof of my mouth and rubbed. What else could I do? Nothing. He was a nice guy but he ended on a bad note. If I didn’t like this damn name so much, I’d change it in a heart beat. Why the fuck can’t people just listen? Do I pronounce Melonhadinchuck right? YES! Grrrr.... *angry face here*


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