Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


I feel like.... It's kinda like.... Whenever shit like this happens it's just makes me feel so.... Sometimes I convince myself into thinking that this is a valid forum for my emotions, then I think about how many people who read this are in contact with me enough to wonder about my emotional state. It's not that this isn't a wonderful spot for thoughts and musing but this is not the arena for emotions. There's a lot of shit going down but here is not the place for it. Paper is the place for emotions. Paper can be burned and there is no trace. I can delete these posts but once they are up I have no control. This doesn't mean an end to blogging but a morphing of blogging. If you want to know how my emotions are doing, call me or, if that is to straight forward lishwish@hotmail.com is my email address and I'm on messenger a lot. I'm just tired of presenting how I feel on a silver platter. I've always been more of a barbeque or bonfire kinda gal. ;)

Post publish note: Who am I kidding? I'll continue to share my emotions because it's who I am. I just have to rein them in every once and awhile.


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