Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


The Peace Rally

To sum it up in two words: FUCKING RIGHT!!! My friends Karen, Joe and I started out marching with the students from Jarvis and Queen where there was a student rally at noon. While there, we got a sheet of chants and marched up to the main rally at Queen and Dundas. Just a couple of quick facts: in London, England over 2 million people gathered; in New York City the march spanned over 40 city blocks; in Toronto we numbered over 30 000 before the march. Imagine the energy and then multiply it by 10 for the passion in that crowd. We met my friends Sally, Jeff, Laura, Danielle and Jen in the square (they recognized my 9 feet of red and white pure scarf enjoyment) so we numbered 9, and an energetic nine at that. Our energy was infectious. At one point we had a crowd of marchers dancing with us to the drums. Jeff has an enormously loud voice, similar to my own, and because the crowd was relatively quiet when the students had dispersed Jeff and I lead some chants without bullhorns. Needless to say, I have no voice right now, and I don't come close to regreting a moment of it. For the third time this month, I feel like I'm part of something bigger than me. The positive energy was felt worldwide. My dad told me about his protest on the Chilian dictatorship when I was younger. Now, I have a significant story to enflame my neices and nephews with. (No kids, so I'll influence my sister and brothers. Mwahahahaha.) This was the also the first time that anything has been staged at the Dundas square.

And to all those people who went out in their own city (over 60 cities in Canada marched), I salute you! Grassroots, man. take it out of the urban centres and to the streets of cities and towns everywhere.

I feel so ALIVE!!


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