Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Isn't taking a trip supposed to take you somewhere?

Nothing bothers me more than ego trips. So you're good. What does it really matter... I get so aggrivated by people who believe in their superiority because they can do one thing well. Baby, if you think you're so good then get yourself out and try out your talent somewhere else. Talent can roam, egos are stationary. If you want to see whether you have talent or flunkies, go to another city and see how you fair there. (Ouch, that rhymed.) I just get sick of "I'm the most ______ person here." That is the most impossible statement to prove because everything is so multifaceted that you can't pigeon-hole knowledge. For instance, a visual artist may say "I'm the most artistic person here." They may in fact be the most successful VA there but what about art historians, curators, even hobbiest. It's not a fair statement to make and I'm tired of hearing it. My Fiction teacher used to tell us everyday to "Show, Don't tell." Maybe I'm just tired of dealing with over-inflated egos. It's time for a break. Here's a blanket statement for ya, "There is nothing more facinating than other people." How about checking out the validity of that sometime?


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