Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


"Why Alysia's Not Getting Married" Reason #36: Alysia will never be referred to as "the wife". (See Reason #2: Alysia will never be a possession.) Two people on the phone today called their wives "the wife". If I get married, which is doubtful, and my husband ever calls me "the wife", I'm out the door. It is like the woman is in the same category as "the dog" or "the cat". She isn't your pet; she is your wife, your equal. This got me thinking about forever which is what I really wanted to regurgitate about.

Is there really anything wrong with wanting "forever"? Over time, I've come across many quotations that have questioned "forever" and the pursuit of that ideal thing that lasts eternally, whether it be love or something like it. I would scoff at the people who would swear their "forever"s and then forget a few months later that the "forever" was ever there. If I never swear "forever" does that make me any better than those who have sworn and lost it? I did think so. Now I think I'm the one missing out on that elation that comes from a confession of "forever". Who cares if the "forever" last? Perhaps it will, but if it doesn't at least it was felt and was tangible if only for a moment. I think I've taken this "No day but today" mantra a little too far. Sometimes, I think I have to hope that a "forever" will last until tomorrow.


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