Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


It's been said before

Just because you are going home, doesn't mean that you are resorting back to the old ways. You are different now and home isn't the same home. The home you once knew is gone. That's just the way it is. Whatever it was about that place that made you feel safe or unstable, whatever the case my be, has probably changed in your absence. You're not the only one who has changed. Your family will have adjusted as well as your friends. Go shopping for some clothes that are going to fit you now and know you have the power to chose. If home made you feel lost and alone, perhaps it still will. That is the way it goes. It won't be forever though. You'll find a new home, one that feels warm and safe. Believe in your own power to change your surrounding. If you need someone to remind you that you will be okay, I'm always available and ready to try some rememory.


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