Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.



Well, that was a long weekend. My weekend in Toronto kinda turned into a week. It was a good time. I did a Iot of shit and now I'm back. I don't want to go into the day to day like I always do so I'm just going to leave it at that, except that I now know what it's like to have my hair set on fire, courtesy of my best friend Matt. Why I consider him my best friend when he does that shit I'll never know but he didn't laugh too much when he did it so I'll forgave him.

When I came back there was a note on my door from my don telling me to come see her. When I was away there was a Conrad Hall, my residence, year end thing where all the dons gave speeches and they gave awards out to some people in the house. Well, I guess that my fellow residence members decided that I deserved the Culture in Residence Award for "exemplifying artistic ability and promoting diversity and cultutal awaremess within Clara Conrad Hall". I designed the house logo, the Conrad Ladybugs, which will be the house logo from now on and I'm always yelling about shit so they gave me an award for it. I thought it was pretty sweet. It kinda made my day.


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