Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Good-bye just shouldn't have to happen

I hate this. This week before the goodbyes are over may be the most excrutiating (sp?) I'm going to have to endure. I just had to say goodbye last night to Laura and Margaret, two amazing musicians that I have had the pleasure of knowing. I kept it in tact till I left then I lost it at another friends house. I've finally gotten rid of this feeling that I need to have more people love me (I'm a dependent by nature no matter how much I claim independence.) Now those people who love me are gone. I know they are there but I costs a fuck load more to call Montreal from Waterloo than it does to call sarnia from sarnia. Laura actually lived just down the street about five minutes (it's a long street). All these people I've gotten used to being able to guide me through shite I have to go through (teenage female, what?!) can no longer go out for coffee with me. I'll have to call them up and be like "Okay, we're having phone coffee. Make yourself a pot." The hardest thing with those two is that they are so far away. Toronto is like an hour and a half from Waterloo so those people are cool. But Montreal is like ten hours or some shite like that. Fuck this sucks.
I'm not happy.

Oh yeah, went to a party at my buddy James Brown's house last night. Solid time was had. Got to talk to some people I don't really talk to but wished I did and got some plans and numbers. Most excellent!

Why the fuck did I post a poem? I hate being a fucking girl. I just feel so down.


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