Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


I heard about this site from a friend of mine and I've always wanted a web page but my basic laziness wouldn't allow it. Now I suppose I sort of have one, in a cheap sense of the word "webpage" because it isn't even truly mine. I suppose this would sort of belong to Pyra (the company named in the terms of service as owning this - yes, I read the terms of service. As my grandfather say *insert false teeth* "You never can be too careful of what you're signing up to now a days.").

I was thinking, when my friend told me about this what I could possibly write about. There is basically only one thing I could write about: myself. I hate that. I don't mind talking about myself and what I think but I like feedback. I'm an artist and I like people telling me that I suck. If the truth be told (as it is so often attempted to be) I like being told how, and how much, I suck. I almost expect to be told I suck in various ways and mediums. When people tell me I'm any good at anything, I don't know what to say. I had a good friend of mine's girlfriend tell me I had a nice voice and I walked away from her. I'm going to school to study opera in the fall! I should be able to say thank you and take the complement graciously. Instead I walk away. Now the girl thinks I hate her, but what am I to say "Sorry about that. Tell me again how good I am." I don't especially like having new people over to my house that much because the main room I spend most of my time in is littered with my art. I would love it if the new people went through ripping it to shreds, but they don't. They talk about how talented I am and all that bullshit. I wish they would talk about how I have a hard time with perspective and that all my portraits are either in profile or dead on. Even my friends who I KNOW see the faults give me the "I like these, Alysia" crap instead of saying why it sucks. Maybe that is the politeness that has replaced the truth as I age. I still love people who can be frank and say why something sucks. But you have to be careful because you need (here comes the Libra) a balance of suck and sweet. Maybe that is what we haven't achieved in the North American society (I'm not calling it a civilization because I see a lack of civility all around me); a balance of the good and bad comments hasn't been achieved. I'll try that. For every negetive comment, a positive accompaniment and visa versa.


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