Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


I was thinking today about a new and exciting thing I might do with this web log. I thought I might put on some of my own writings. What a novel idea, eh? I'm a geek and thought well you know I don't usually share all that much of my work and this one is applicable to something I'm having trouble with right now. How do you invite people to be your friend? I really think that if I could I would especially with a few people I've met lately. The problem lies in that I, though seemingly brimming over with self-confidence, am, in essence, low in self esteem. This is a problem. I wrote this piece awhile back concerning someone who I thought wanted to know ME (not me like who i am but ME as in what I am thinking and feeling and such). Anyway, it is marginally applicable so i thought, why the fuck not eh? I can always erase it later if I hate it. ;-)

The house of my mind

I once offered you the tarnished brass key to the house of my mind.
You told me you were content to stay outside.

You stared
At my house’s dark looming towers, flying buttresses and sweet gingerbread cutting.
You gawked
As the rainbow embodied strolled outside to smoke a cuban.
You listened intently for
A sandpaper voice mournfully harmonizing with a chorus of laughter.
You inhaled deeply
The scent of old books, fresh coffee and gasoline.

Minds change.
You came up to my ancient, weathered wooden door
Asking politely to borrow the skeleton key.

Be content with your decision.

You now sit
at the fog covered windows
and long to see hear smell touch taste and feel
the house of my mind.

All you will ever do is
see what happens to pass by
hear the muffled sounds within
smell the faint scent of me

because to touch taste and feel
you must be


And you,
my friend
chose to remain outside.


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