Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Requeim for the Disturbed

I watched a movie last night that did nothing for this waining grasp I have a stability. Requiem for a dream is one of the most visually disturbing movies I have seen in years. I thought I was past being disturbed by scenes of drug overdose or misuse. I also thought I had seen and read the most horrific depictions of shock therepy that one could possibly have seen. Requiem for a dream was the sort of movie that made me want to shake for no reason and sit by myself in the dark, not moving, just staring forward. I always knew I'd never try heroin (an obsession with the book Trainspotting had cured me of any whim there) but speed I thought maybe I would. After last night, never will I pop a pill that wasn't researched by me. I just find it difficult to put into words the way that movie made me feel. It was a phenomenal movie with Oscar worthy (if oscar are worth anything, which I doubt they are) performances and superb cinematography. The shots in that movie, especially the reoccuring shots from when the heroin junkies were shooting up, were mind blowing. Really an all-around awesome (in the true sense of the word, not slang) movie. But really one that fucks you up. P.S. The web sites really fucked up too.


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