What a good life
I really lucked out when the roommate gods were making decisions last year, perhaps because of the initial injustice they dealt me. Last year, I had the most incompatible roommate possible. She was everything that I took a stand against, which is a list too numerous to elaborate here. She was a stranger and, unfortunately, one who was simply adverse to the idea of me; I was everything she hated, as well. This year, I was scared that the same situation would befall me. I barely knew the girls I was moving in with; I didn't even know their last names. Last night, Halloween, showed me that sometimes being thrown into a situation by necessity, which was how I came to live with these girls, doesn't have to kill you mind, body and soul.I wasn't planning on going out for Halloween. In my Shakespeare's Comedies class, I had a Performance Proposal due that day and I was thinking I'd stay home and get caught up in my other classes, if at all possible. The actor in me has always loved Halloween and, since I'm 76.7% actor, the idea of not going out for Halloween was a little disheartening but I thought it was what I had to do. The girls I lived with had coming home on Tuesday with their costumes and they were telling me about this tiger costume which sounded like it suited me quite well, considering that I face painted for a summer and have the natural grace of a tiger. (Nooch.) Needless to say, I was dissuaded from my original plan, which was a hard sell considering where the girls were going: The Turret. The Turret is the nightclub on campus, which caters to the "let's get drunk and make out with someone, anyone" crowd, also known as the "not at all Alysia's crowd" crowd. I had hoped to get through the duration of my university career without having to go The Turret, but I had agreed with a yes, not a maybe, so there was no backing out. As it turned out I had a great time. My roommates were cool with the fact that I constantly felt the need to prowl and walk like I was from the musical "Cats", which was about how well my makeup was done. They had a friend in a gorilla suit so we were constantly like "Jungle, represent!". Also, I shook my little booty right off and my roommates didn't make fun of me, except when I made a fool of myself, which is an acceptable time to laugh. All in all I had an amazing time, THANKS to my roommates. Sometimes, I'm quite the lucky gal.
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