Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


That's some F'ed up S!

Whoa, it's been a weird couple of days. The apex of weird came today when I went to my Italian tutorial. First, a bit of background info. In first year university, if you stay in residence here at beautiful Wilfred Laurier University, you will have a brother/sister floor. Because I was in an all-girls res, we had a brother floor. Now, that I am out in my own place, there is no official brother apartment, but you might say that my flatmates and I have a quasi-brother apartment. One of my flatmates was dating this guy for two years and we are all kinda friends. My flatmates have become my surrogate sisters and those three young men my surrogate brothers. Well, last night at four in the morning, one of the three boys walked willingly into the cop shop with a pound of weed taped to his chest asking for in all seriousness the "robots who worked for the government". 6 o'clock this morning the other two boys were awakened by the cops banging on their door asking for the third. I get to Italian tutorial this morning and a guy in my class who was roommates with one of the two remaining boys lets me know of this situation. I'm like, "whatever, he's blowing it out of proportion." Nope. Definetly not. Turns out the guy just strolled into the police station with a pound of weed taped to his chest! As was previously stated, that's some f'ed up s. When you think you can't be anymore confused by life, it sends you a Dali.


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