Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


I hate my temperament.

Today, in choir, I was joking around with the people who sit around, when my choirmaster commented on my temperament. I believe it was something along the lines of "How do you do it? To be so lively on a daily basis. It does make the world a better place though." Don't befriend someone like that; they're never like that all the time. It's extremes: mountain and sea bottom. We can't control it. At about four o'clock today I couldn't keep a smile from my face and now... well, happiness seems like God; it can't possibly be real. Be my acquaintance. It's safer that way; you're never exposed to whatever it is that has grabbed a hold on my ankles, tripping at every step. The killer is that I'll be fine tomorrow. You'll see me smiling, babbling about something trivial like my breakfast cereal. (Mmmmm... Wheatabix....so wheaty.) Mention this little blog and I'll just say it was a passing mood. Just know that you've been warned.


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