Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


That's quite a long time

I just realized that I've been doing this for over a year now. I went back to read my first post and realized that I had no idea who introduced me to this piece of crap. Whoever it was either never blogged or, like most, quit after a short time. I've always considered myself quite fickle and that I have stuck with this for so long kinda makes me have a little more faith in my powers of commitment. When I started it was just for kicks, to alleviate some stress, and I really didn't think I'd stick with it this long. (I also started with dial-up which could be why I didn't think I'd stick with it.) I also started blogging at the beginning of this time of separation from everything I'd become accustomed to living with and have now become accustomed to living without. Quite honestly, I didn't think that university would last either and it seems to still be going, though slowly, especially Classics. Ugh... My brother used to say that he was going to die before 21, and I think I always half agreed with him, that life couldn't possibly go on that long. Once you hit twenty-one, where do you go? Now, I think that's when real life starts. I started this page because life was becoming too surreal. (Also, because I thought it would be a nice showcase for my writing, which I've chosen to share, um, once. Tool.) Life is still too surreal. A friend of mine asked me if she could pinch my cheeks the other day and, after she had, I had to wonder why. Because we’re out here doing it, what we always thought we might but never really expected to do, Nic had to pinch my cheeks. To make sure I’m real and that all of this is real. All the time I invested in dreaming was panning out to real life and my journal/sketchbook couldn’t hold it anymore, so you guys have to put up with this crap. Damn this real life, damn youse!


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