Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Do you ever have those particularly wonderful days that still leave you with the desire to break something? I know this is a North American "nothing to live for" phenomenon but I'm nearly positive that it can't just be myself. I had a great Classics class followed by a wonderful Shakespeare's Comedies. Next I went home, had a bowl of steaming hot delicious chicken noodle soup that was crafted by my own hands. Handed in my Romantic Lit essay which could very well be the best essay I've ever written in my life, follow by a doctor's appointment where they told me my mild chest infection would be gone within a week, which is great because Butt is coming down to K/W in a week. Perfection. School was complete and I had a nice dinner with my flatmates. I ended my night by talking to my best friend for longer than I've allowed myself since I've gotten back to school, and yet, by no fault of my friend, I just wanted to scream and smash bottles and all I could think was "why am I doing this?" It's as if the wonderful things are water; misery is a big, fat steak. Water just doesn't fill me. I'm happy, which is the strangest part. Luckily I stopped myself before I succumbed to the desires. A friend of mine used to always say "The mind is willing, but the flesh is weak." I'm pretty sure he was talking about sex but I think it's applicable here too.


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