Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Just call me Jamie freaking Oliver

Okay, well maybe I'm not that great, but I did just make my fine self some chicken noodle soup from scratch. Yes, that's right my fine feathered friends, I boiled old chicken bones, spent an hour picking the meat off said bones, chopped veggies, and salt and peppered it myself. Took me all afternoon but now I have a big fine pot of chicken noodle soup that doesn't come from a package and look all fluorescent yellow. It really isn't that big of an accomplishment but it sure feels like it when it takes all afternoon. I also must have called my da about 7 times to ask him if certain things were normal. "Da, is the broth supposed to go cloudy?" (It is.) "Da, do I put the veggies in the pot in stages?" (No, you can throw them all in at once.) "Da, do I have to cook the pasta before I put it in?" (No, you just throw it in raw.) "Da, when do I throw it in raw?" (About fifteen minutes before the soup is done.) "Da, when do I put it in the containers for the freezer?" (Leave it in the pot till tomorrow, then put it in the freezer containers, and, no, that won't cause food poisoning.) My da is so very helpful. I wonder if Jaime Oliver's dad is so helpful? Probably not.


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