Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


1 dot, 2 dots, 3 dots are your enemies

Ellipses, when used in moderation or appropriately, can enhance writing, but if you're using the internet as your means of communication, consider them the Kryptonite to your linguistic Superman. It weakens your writing and makes it seem more vulnerable. I don't know if Kryptonite makes Superman less coherant but ellipses have that effect on writing. If you have a blog page, livejournal or even your own webpage, I beg that you stay away from ellipses. It isn't difficult to finish a thought in a way that is understandable by a reader. Often, ellipses muddle thought. I know I'm not the most coherent writer myself sometimes and rarely do I take the time to proof-read these pieces of D, but I try to avoid ellipses as much as I can. That being said, if you feel the need to use ellipses uses them like alcohol, in moderation.


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