Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


If only real childbirth was this easy

I'm heading back to the easel, children. I've been away for about eight months now and I'm a little scared to visit after such a long hiatus. I went to Toronto this past weekend and while there I picked up a couple canvases and some new paint from Loomis and Tooles. Also while in Toronto, my best friend Matt and I visited the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) for the Surrealist exhibit. Matt gets in free with a guest because the bitch works at the CN Tower and they have some sort of Tourist affliation program. The exhibit was most excellent and it reminded me how much I miss the act of creation. I think that art has had a effect on my need for children in that I have created already. I don't need babies. I have 9 babies sitting in front of me and I have a couple in different rooms. In many ways, visual art is like having babies. There is the conception of the inspiration, which will often include another person, followed by the gestation of that inspiration where it takes shape and form. Then, there is the birth which frightens and thrills me simultaneously. This life giving process is why it is so difficult to show my art. No one would say to a new mother, "Well, your babies not quite good enough for my approval" and no one would judge that baby but with art that's what you get. Now, I'm giving birth again, but this time it's been awhile and I'm terrified. :S


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