Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


I honesty don't know where this came from

In my mind there are two kinds of bloggers: the anonymous bloggers and the community bloggers. Those are my terms and I really don't know how applicable they are but I'll try to explain. Anonymous bloggers are not anonymous themselves. They leave the people around them out of their blogs. I wouldn't see my name in an anonymous bloggers blog because they are keeping a sense of mystery about their surrounding life. Their blogs are less like a "look who I knew" biography and more like a "this was my life as I lived it" biography. I am a community blogger. I will put the names of the people I know down on these pages. Unfortunately, but predictably, my bio is a bit "look who I know". I call it community blogging because community is the people you know. Of course, no person is totally one or the other. It's just that some lean more to one side than others.


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