Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Life is good in the Land of the Haves

May I just say that there is nothing like having your own printer. Last semester, I had to use other people's printers whenever I had a project. This became a problem considering my tendency to procrastinate. I would be rushing around the day the project was due with a disk trying to find a computer that had a printer and ran Microsoft Works 6. I have no reason for using Works instead of Microsoft Word, which is what I found many of my PC friends used. It just happened that my computer came with Works. When I realized that most people I knew were running Word and that converting from Works to Word would mess up all my formatting I decided it was time to buy a printer. When I came back from Christmas vacation, I used my christmas monies to buy myself a printer so I can do what I'm doing right now. I'm sitting at my computer, editing an essay that is due in 6 hours and feeling fine because I know that my new printer will print off those pages and I will be just fine.

If only I enjoyed writing essays as much as I enjoy writing blogs....


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