Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


YES!!!! Finally got the really insightful breakthrough I've been looking for with "Mad Girl's Love Song". Only took me two week of stewing over the thing. I guess it was the fact that the stupid essay was due on Friday and I still wasn't solid in my thesis.

By the way, I don't enjoy any of my "favourite" songs more than any of my other "favourite" songs but I do like them more than the other songs I have heard by that artist. So, while it is not "favoured above all others" it is favoured above MOST others. When an artist has put out over 10 albums spanning a period of over a decade it is a little difficult to pick a song that is "favoured above all others" but it is fairly easy to pick a group which is favoured above most. That is how I view the term "favourite".


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