Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


JuSt A sMaLl VeNt AbOuT hOw I hAtE tHiS!!!!!!

What the hell is the point of that? I'm not a really frequent chat person because I hate short forms but I also hate ThAt!!!! Grrrr..... It is unaesthetic so if that is the purpose then the people who do that are sorely mistaken. It's about as beautiful as roadkill. Not even that beautiful, because even roadkill has it's moments. Perhaps these twisted individuals are trying to show off by the fact that they know how the use the SHIFT key. Well, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You're aren't a total idiot. I know my friends who use view this page may be offended by this because I know some of them do this foriegn half-capital/half-lower case writing. Let me know why you insist on doing so. Doesn't mean I will like it or even read anything that is written in that nonsense but I am curious as to your motives in that way that people are curious about roadkill. It is facinating but revolting at the same time.

Speaking of roadkill made me think of squirrels which made me think of this site which has been making the rounds in that disease infested land of Forwards. This one does have some merit though. One clue: turn it up really loud. If you've seen it already my apologies. I had a better link title but that would give away the best part so it's titled



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