Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Mia Vita

I was going to tell you guys about my life, in italian but the translator I was going to use keeps fuckin' up. It doesn't even recognize the word "universita" which as any dumb-ass knows means university. I kept putting in the right thing but what was the use in putting in the right thing, if when you guys translate it, it's not right in English. And I am not going to post wrong Italian just so the Translator will read like I want it too. What if someone who spoke fluent Italian stumbled upon my site, saw my half intelligable brand of Italian and ... I don't know... got angry or something? I'd feel terribly awfully about making him feel...something not good? Anyway, I've showed my bitterness towards the translator but I didn't give a link *cough* crappy translator *cough*, so that's not totally bitterness right? *bats eyelashes like southern debutant*


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