Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


So, I was hobbling around campus today, when I saw an alert notice. It turns out that there have been three attacks on women in the past three month a block from my house. This gives me cause for alarm especially since one of the attacks was in the school that I would walk through to get to school, if I could walk. It's still the school that my flatmates walk through. Also, on the now infamous Alysia-hates-this-street-for-wrecking-her street, a man walked into a woman's house and attacked her. Let me remind you again that this street is a school away from my house. I'm a little freaked out considering my vulnerable state right now. Seems like a perfect time to plug:
Take back the Night
Thursday, September 18th, 2003 @ 6:30 at the Victoria Park clock tower, Kitchener, ON. Take Back the Night is an annual symbolic event where women march as a symbol of our basic human right to be where we want, when we want, alone or with another, without the protection of men, and without the threat of violence. Though women march, men are invited to come out and support women on the walk and have refreshments afterwards. Anyways, there are walks all over North America. There is probably one in your town/city/village. If there isn't one, there is perfect opportunity to test your organization skills. :)

English club rocks the Casbah! I'm really excited about the year to come. English club, Amnesty WLU, Resource Co-ordinator @ the Women's Centre, LSPIRG and Jazz choir. Busy, but it's what I want. :D


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