Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Who knows when all this will change? Tomorrow, perhaps...

I am complete. If right now was not enough, then I'll never have enough. I have enough love and happiness to fulfill my basic human desire for companionship. I'm too busy to worry about someone I need to get in contact with to tell them that "yes, I still need you and, yes, I still love you, and, of course I still miss you". I have essays, tests, classes, sleep and, duh-dum-da-DA, a social life. This year, school is top of the priorities, when last year it was down below "blogging", but as you can tell by the frequency of blogs this year, it's actually listed below classes. Work should never be number 1 when you have this much living left. It just wouldn't jive, but I realized that now I'm 20. Many of my readers felt old months ago, but this month it was my turn, only the problem is that I don't feel old. I felt old at 19. Look at how big the number nine is. There is only one number bigger than 9 and that's ten. 20 is just a 2 with a zero. So young, so ex-innocent. I think that would be the most appropriate made-up word for what I am right now. I'm not experienced yet but I've passed out of innocent. I'm in the land of nothing and for right now, nothing means alone, or at least not actively searching.


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