Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


How my parents are the coolest

Okay, many of you won't think this is the coolest but I was greatly appreciative. Today, as some of you know, is my birthday, which I am spending in Waterloo. Today, I killed a Shakespeare's Comedies test and my choirmaster showed his benevolence by allowing me to skip a choir pratice to go see Ani. (1 absence = 1grade point lost. He says that's not applicable in that situation.) Most triumphant. When I got home, my roommate Vicky told me that a "surprise" arrived for me today, which I thought was "We got you a present and it's in your room." Wasn't I surprised to find that there was flowers sitting on my bedside table. I was expecting the girls to buy me a juice jug, because they wouldn't let me buy me one, so at first I was like "what the f?" I noticed there was a card saying "Happy 20th Lala, Love Mom and Dad". It's surprising how perceptive parents can be sometimes. I've been nagging everyone to buy me flowers for like six months and my parents came through. So cool of them. :)


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